Over the past two centuries, humans learned to harness fossil fuels on a vast scale to power an industrial revolution. This quantum advance in machine automation, mass production and labor division drove unparalleled improvements in the health, economics and comforts of citizens of industrialized nations. But today, the benefits come at great, unpaid environmental costs. Fossil fuels cannot continue to be humanity’s primary source of energy. It’s time for an energy foundation in harmony with the planet. It’s time for a solar revolution.
Solar PV
Progress Chart
Overall Progress
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Progress Summary
Awareness activities about existing Beacon projects, Educational actions of local associations, Private developer prospection | ✘ |
Local initiatives: new ideas + willpower of individuals, citizens, associations and local communities | ✘ |
Leading group | ✘ |
Masterclasses: democratic organisation of the citizen group, Legal structuring, Technical issues, Initial financial elements, Expansion of the citizen group | ✘ |
Brainwork on: goals and values of the group, The type of energy and awareness actions around energy transition | ✘ |
Organisation of the group, Founding of the association | ✘ |
Support of local authorities, to obtain official support from local bodies | ✘ |
Founding of the project society | ✘ |
Public meetings and Advanced training: technical training, financing plan, negotiation training, building project management | ✘ |
Setting up of agreements with local authorities | ✘ |
Establish contacts with administrative authorities | ✘ |
Brainwork on the citizen involvement in project management | ✘ |
Project management | ✘ |
Work site visit | ✘ |
Preparation for the operation monitoring | ✘ |
Inauguration | ✘ |
Ongoing communication on operation | ✘ |
Management of the cooperative: general assembly, executive board, retain strong bonds with citizens, compensatory measure | ✘ |
Keep in touch with the residents of the project | ✘ |
Educational activities on: renewable energy, environmental effects, Energy savings | ✘ |
Preliminary evaluation of the territory | ✘ |
Project choice | ✘ |
Land leasing commitment | ✘ |
Ongoing analysis and validation: Technical committee, quotations, providers | ✘ |
Technical Studies on a risk-sensitive basis and on the level of funds needed | ✘ |
Technical file for submission for administrative approval | ✘ |
Submission of the file to approval of authorities | ✘ |
Public enquiry / review of the file | ✘ |
Administration approval | ✘ |
Land leasing contracts | ✘ |
Sigining of the construction contracts | ✘ |
Construction Site | ✘ |
Commissioning | ✘ |
Environmental monitoring | ✘ |
Preventative maintenance and repairs | ✘ |
Think thank: type of governance, financial structuring, types of partnerships, how to distribute the benefits | ✘ |
Meeting with potential partners | ✘ |
Preliminary financing plan | ✘ |
Financial mobilisation, launch fundraising for development costs, reinforcement of funding partnerships | ✘ |
Preparation of the financial mobilisation for the construction phase | ✘ |
Consolidation of the financial plan | ✘ |
Assessment of the valuation of the risk | ✘ |
Completion of the banking file | ✘ |
Fundraising and bank loan for the construction phase | ✘ |
Financial management accounting | ✘ |
Profit allocation management | ✘ |
Highlight the tooltip on the progress map to avail of the resources relevant to where your project is currently.
Technical Activity
Financial Activity
Your progress so far